Abusing Open Redirects to get an Account Takeover

Luan de Moraes Simões
2 min readAug 30, 2022

It was the end of another semester, and I was really bored, so decided to take a look at the system that my college uses to store and manage all the information about students.

I started to intercept all the requests through Burp Suite proxy, but even after some few hours clicking around on the website, I didn’t find anything that caught my attention.

A few days passed by, and I re-opened the file generated by Burp again, normally, I would just ignore the automatically alerts that burp throws up, since I never found something using those, but when I saw this, I decided to take a look at the request that was performed


Instantly when I saw that, my mind thought about an IDOR, but intercepting another token from a secondary account and switching it up, didn’t seem to work, at this point, I remembered that someone mentioned to never burn your open-redirects, because they can be chained to achieve a higher impact, I already had an open-redirect waiting to be used, but it was on another subdomain. After some trial and error, I discovered that this token being passed through a GET request, was weirdly initializing the login flow, which looked like this:

login was started -> token through GET request -> server validates the token, generates the session and return it to the client

My open-redirect luckily was located on the login page, if the user logs in through the “infected link” he could be redirected to anywhere, leaking the initial auth token


Which leads us to an account takeover through a simple open-redirect, we set up a server, set the URL to redirect to our domain, capture the initial token and exchange it using Burp when logging in.

